Friday, 9 April 2010

From Amarante with love

Amar is the portuguese verb to love, and it is perhaps fitting that it should be the first part of the name of this attractive town. A settlement since the 4th century BC, Amarante is situated in the rich agricultural lands of the Minho region, the northern section of the country which is responsible for the grapes of the vinho verde, the young semi-sparkling ‘green’ wine unique to portugal. The River Tâmega runs through the town and crossing this waterway is a striking arched bridge, the Ponte São Gonçalo. it is reputed to have helped local heroes fend off a french attack in the early 19th century. Nowadays cafes and restaurants make the most of their riverside location.
Buried in the chapel of a church and monastery now bearing his name, São Gonçalo is the saint most strongly attached to the town. born here in the 1100s, his ability to heal the sick earned him his special status. The granite used to build these religious edifices in the 16th century is of an unusual hue, and it glows a warm ochre in the light of the setting sun, the cloister of the church being particularly pretty. Indeed the whole town has a magical fairytale feel to it, with elegant turreted buildings and trees drooping into the river. the annual festivities which take place in early June are known as the festas de são gonçalo, and perhaps similarly connected to the romantic-sounding name, one of the traditions of this local celebration is to give a phallus-shaped cake to the one you desire!
In my opinion Amarante is a lovely small city with its 61 000 inhabitants. Love that they have here mountains, river, fresh air, city full of culture and beautiful architecture, you can go everywhere on foot if you're up to going up and down the hills, etc. the city is surrounded by mountains and vineyards.

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