Thursday, 1 April 2010

The journey has begun...

The preparation meeting of YEU project “InterActiveTrain – Get in and Gain” was held in Faro on the 6th and 7th of February.
The aim of the project is to promote active citizenship through street animation. A team of 25 Street Animators, some of them having been trained on our Street Animation Training Course in April 2010, will travel together by train aroundEurope. The Project is a Youth in Action 1.3 Democracy Project and involves 10 partner organisations from five countries – Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal and Romania.
The InterActiveTrain is a complex long-term project which contains several phases. The first phase of it was the preparation meeting with the objective to gather together all our partners, get to know each other better and go in detail through the steps we have to make in order to succeed in our project. At the moment we have to note that implementing the project is quite a challenge as the co-funding needed to supplement the Youth in Action grant is quite high. Nevertheless we believe we can do it – obstacles are just meant to overcome!
The next phase is local activities. All our partners have to do at least 1 workshop and 1 activity in their community. They can be any kind of activities but must meet the objectives of the overall project to motivate young people to be active citizens and participate in and promote local democracy. The local activities are held between May and June. Till that we have time to prepare them – plan the exact activities, think whom to involve, how to reach our target group the best, what kind of impact and result it has etc. In order to help the participants in the process we have a training course on using Street Animation coming in April in Portugal.
The InterActive train is combined with a training course “Street Animation as a tool for local actions”. During the training course the young participants will have the chance to learn street animation with the aim to stimulate active participation and citizenship using street arts. A week in Amarante (Portugal) will teach the necessary competencies to plan, implement and evaluate activities that use street animation as a tool of creative participation in civil society. At the same time with the train preparation meeting, the street animation trainers team had their feasibility meeting in Faro in order to get acquainted, build team and plan all the foreseen activities for the training. We arranged to have the two meeting together as the trainers can get the background of the organizations and their leaders, observe the atmosphere, note all the similarities, differences, expectations and fears in order to adjust the programme of the training to the actual needs.
The phase after implementing the local activities is the train journey through all the participating countries. 30 youngsters will spend three weeks in August travelling with Interrail in order to promote our project all around Europe, do several activities on the way, meet with our partners, give visibility to international youth work and active youth participation, Youth in Action programme, YEU and get as many people as possible on board with us! The train team will involve 25 youngsters and 5 support members. Our train team will meet for two days before the departure of the train in order to start feeling the good vibes and. At the moment we have not decided the exact route, will let you know as soon as possible so that you can plan your summer vacations and hop on the train. Promise it will be an unforgettable adventure!
And last but not least we will have an evaluation meeting in October to evaluate the project, reflect on the outcomes and prepare the follow up activities!
So the journey has begun....stay up to date with our journey through!

Triin Rebane
Project coordinator of the InterActiveTrain

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